Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Back to Training Reflections

What got me into this mess in the first place. Not that it was a huge mess, but it was a frustrating place of pain. Occurring over and over.

Psoas problems are often due to doing things in over extension. For most people, that means they are setting up their backs in a sway-like manner for lifting or squatting. And as boss-man KStar told me, it can take around 10 days for your body to heal after hurting it once. Probably why my two weeks off was a pretty smart move on my part.

Here's where I'm over extended: it's not in my lifting, its in my extra-curricular activities. In both pole dancing and trapeze, a high premium is put on flexibility, particularly in the lumbar region of the back.

There was a time I was really flexible. Like center splits and back walk-over flexible. That time is not now. If I get really warm and sweaty, I can still get pretty close to my right and left splits. If I get hot and down right drenched, MAYBE I can go into a back bend with minimal discomfort. I don't know if I'll ever see the center splits again, though.

My body can't do those things, but when I walk into these classes with my dancer's ego and brain's remembrance of those movements, I start to behave and practice like I can still do them. So looking back, is it any wonder that I started having psoas issues around the same time that I threw myself full force into pole dancing and static trapeze?

What do I do about it? Here are my behavioral goals:

1) Take it easy on yourself when it comes to flexibility movements.
2) Get to classes earlier and get REALLY warm before you start to stretch.
3) Take time outside of the classes to get REALLY warm for the sole purpose of stretching.

Tonight is my first day back to the pole studio. I hope I can follow my own advice!

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