Monday, October 29, 2012

I'm admitting it out loud...

I'm ready to get back to CrossFit.

At the start of the year, going into the USA Weightlifting Nationals/ Olympic Trials, I knew there was a general malaise about how I was approaching my training. I've had a "jack of all trades" mentality when it came to athletics. Even when judo was my primary sport, I was still doing ballet, capoeira, rock climbing, and using CrossFit as my supplemental training protocol.

I've been a single mode athlete for close to 4 years now. It's all about strength. I lift heavy. I lift heavy fast. I lift heavy slow. I lift heavy overhead. I lift heavy lying down.

Now that the American Open is coming up in about a month, I realize that my mentality towards it hasn't changed. In fact, with the AO so close, I'm really looking forward to making big changes in how I approach fitness.

I want to recapture some of the more well rounded experiences I think I had when I was younger. Rather than worrying that a stint at the Tahoe slopes will leave me winded, sore, and with a week of ruined training ahead of me, I want to think "I'm going to nail this."

I have people ask me "aren't you afraid that will make you weak?" Well, perhaps I'll get a little weaker. Like my deadlift might go from 390 to 375 or something. But before I even knew proper deadlift technique and great strength training regimes, I was deadlifting 300 lbs. So really, my strength probably isn't going anywhere anytime soon.

And there there is ManFriend, "Uh, you're gonna keep squatting, right?" Duh. I can't have him squatting as much as me, so you can bet your ass (and my bigger one) that I'll be hefting a barbell across my shoulders at least three times a week.

I'm going to emphasis, you'll probably never see me doing the workouts on the main CrossFit site. Those workouts are too focused on endurance lengths. I'm looking to start a more mash up of Westside Barbell meets CrossFit Football, meets more contemporary weightlifting protocols with some bodybuilding shit thrown in for sexiness.

If I can stick to it and if I seem to be making progress across any number of metrics, I'll start posting my workouts.

Some goals I want to attack next year:

- More static trapeze, start putting a routine together
- Taking dance classes at either LINES Ballet or ODC
- Get a few snowboarding weekends in Tahoe
- Go to a few judo classes and maybe one master's competition by the end of 2013

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