Monday, December 24, 2012

WellnessFX: Second Test, 10 months later

ManFriend and I had our retest done by WellnessFX, about 10 months later. And I have to say, I was disappointed.

Not with the service, mind you, but with my results. After our last test (found here) you can see that there was a lot of work to be done. While my HDL and LDL ratios were great, and my glucose sensitivity was great, my total LDL and breakdown left something to be desired.

After that test, ManFriend and I went Paleo and cyclic keto. I went from having pancakes for breakfast 2-3 times a week, to maybe having pancakes once a month as a treat. I mean, we really cleaned up, but my second test LDL levels don't show that.

The ones where I don't have a mini-graph are newly tested this time around. So you can see that, with the exception of LP(a) everything stayed pretty much the same, within 2 point of the first test. Everything I've read, everyone I've talked to, other people who've had the tests, they go Paleo, or just lower carb, and these numbers get better like magic.

So it was onto the consult. The consulting MD did point out that my LP(a) went down significantly, and that's a really tough one to bring down. She thinks that the change in LP(a) is due to our change in diet. But she brought my attention to this other non-change:

This is my Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH). Notice that from the first test to the second test, it got worse, as in further away from the ideal range. Before, the MD consultant told me that it was borderline enough that it could be chalked up to test variability, but this kind of precludes that.

My first order of business will be to get tested for antibodies against my thyroid and T3 and T4 hormones. If my thyroid is off, that would explain why when I change my diet, my LDL levels are basically untouched. And on another note, it would also explain why I tend to have a harder time losing body fat than I did as little as two years ago.

My mom is on thyroid medication, could be familial.

What s nice to see, though:

My white blood cells and neutrophils went from "high risk" to "low risk", which I was told last time was an indicator of adrenal fatigue. I've made a concerted effort to lower my caffeine intake, stress levels, and figure out ways to sleep better. It's good to see that something is paying off! Yay for better immune system!

I still have a few indicators that adrenal fatigue is an issue albeit a lesser one. This MD consult basically told me that she hasn't come across a competitive athlete that DIDN'T suffer from some level of adrenal overload. I suppose that also pulling back my focus on competition has helped a little in that regard.

Big take-aways from this consult:

0) Get thyroid follow up labs!!!1!1one
1) Eat. More. Veggies! Eat a GD salad! I love a good salad!
2) B12, fish oil, Vit C, Zinc, Vit D3 supplements
3) Suggestion to take up meditation or gentle yoga for adrenals. I wonder if the dance classes I want to do will count?

Things that ManFriend and I have discussed doing better:

- Cooking at home. Maybe we're falsely comforted by out eating out, and there is more sugar and gluten in sauces and curries than we think.
- More looking at techniques to help me sleep deeper and longer.
- Looking for ways for us to relax together outside of becoming zombies infront of our projector.

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